FIRST DAY at School

FIRST DAY at School:

“Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”

On July 1st, 2021, students of MSB Shabbirabad embarked on their journey of the new academic year 2021 – 2022 with the Raza and Dua Mubarak of our Maula TUS and with the Barakaat of Darees. Al Hadul Anjabul Asa’d Janab Mustansir Bhaisaheb graced the event and addressed the students with his enlightening words. The Darees was led by our very own MSB Zakereen while all those present recited along with them.

Education is indeed a passport to the future, especially for those receiving education at an institution named after 3 Duat Mutlaqeen, directly under their benevolent Nazaraat, the future indeed belongs to them as they prepare for it today under their immaculate guidance.
Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin (TUS) recently stated: “It is my wish that you all may rise to the top and become adept in all fields of knowledge and skill.” Keeping these priceless words in mind, students received a very warm welcome today to re-embark on this journey with us where only the sky is the limit!

  • Centre:MSB Karachi-Shabbirabad
  • Date:01 Jul,2021

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